Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Monday was a great day for a run, it was beautiful outside. Skies clear and crazy blue! Have you heard of a better October day?
Seriously though.. it was like 75 degrees!
As always I decided to take that as yet another opportunity to run. I'm a girl that likes to laugh, be embarrassed and have fun though. Solution: I had my best man friend Korey Sutton come running with me! Unlike myself Korey does not think running is the most fun thing to ever happen to this whole entire planet. But that is okay because this gives me the opportunity to make the run more fun! Korey and I decided that every half mile we would stop where ever we were at and he would do 20 push-ups while I did squats or jumping jacks. I hope you can all imagine how incredibly great we looked, me with my PURPLE running shorts and Korey with his PURPLE shirt taking up the whole side walk at times to do push-ups and squats. It was the best thing ever to witness people awkwardly trying to get by, and then to top it off... Korey lives at Raintree which is fairly close to the BYU campus. This in our brains is a great privilege to take our goofy running techniques and show off on a campus where my shorts were way to high for the dress code! Now as we ran and did our silly techniques we had tons of people to surrond us and cheer us on as they walked around campus! I only wish I could of known what people were thinking, the looks on faces could be described as wow or do they know how dumb they look? Maybe even a couple, "They think they are so funny". Which we totally did, even if others didn't. Before long we had ran over 4 miles and did not even realize it because we were having so much fun! On our way in on the side walk across from Raintree we found some PURPLE hearts painted on the side walk. It was perfect so we took a picture!
Make your run a PURPLE run, it is a blast that makes time fly by. (:

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