So it has been awhile..
My cardio cut down has not been quite as successful as I would of wished for. I was doing really great and I was looking really great but then a couple weeks ago I got caught up with life and stopped doing the daily workouts. Not only did my gym determination fail but so did my great eating habits.
I love candy and sweets as do most woman. I started compromising my healthy eating for sweets around halloween time.
On top of all that I also ended up going for an 8 mile run the other day. I still have been doing some of the daily workouts just not consistently. Since I wasn't doing it perfect anyway that run was needed.
The moral of the story is that... Well, this workout program from what I have done was a success, no one is perfect, it is just time to get motivated and keep doing it but the right way again (:
The cool thing about eating right and working out is that it is never a waste, even if you do not do it perfect the first time or you mess up a lot. You always are better then the people who never tried and sit on the couch. You are always progressing if you are trying.
Keep working hard!
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